Friday, December 3, 2010

heyy ♥ sayangggggg awak budak kecik ;)

heyyy sayangss awakk lhh buda kecik , u tao tk ? u dhh berjaya buad i nges 
tadi , humpp u dh explain kat i yang u sygg i , i lagi sygg u cause u jujor heee
:D no secretsecret kan ? lucky me u know ? cause GOD meet me with youu
a person who trust me , love me , care with me , also being a good listener :)
after this i don't even care about other peeps who condemn you cause i knw
u'r not like they say :) anyway i tak kisah pon kalo you nak syggg byak mana
***** , cause i tahu u tetap sayangg i kan ? ( perasan kejap ) dalam banyak 
banyak orang yang i kenal , i palingg syang u , tao kenape ? cuz u tk arrogant
tk cerewet , tkk memilih ouh :O if u had a chance ,would you like to hang 
out with me ? even u busy , would you like to hang with me ? even that 
was a last time for you to hang out with me ? i really hope that u do :))
cause i know my last time will come and i will leave u alone without me
anymore , and , when that time's come i hope u'r not crying cause my ....
soul will crying too. :') and just one more thing that u should to know :))
I WILL LOVE YOUFOUREVER !! FOUREVER okey ? and i hope u don't
forget it . :) ouhh ouhhh , satu lagi , jaga diri elokelok okey ? mungkin saya tk
tkk bolehh jumpa awak , text awak , call awak , dan semua yang saya penah wt
mungkin dh tiade lagi :) dan mase tuh jugak saya nak awak doakan saya supaya 
saya sentiasa di cucuri rahmat , dan doakan saya supaya saya in a HEAVEN  ..
okey dear ? i hope that so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

p/s : always remember me in your mind :)